Wet Stuff Ready Silicone Bodyglide Caps 60/Jar

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Wet Stuff

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Wet Stuff READY Silicone Bodyglide Capsules are a new form of lubrication for the receptive partner. 

The capsules are inserted ahead of time, so you are completely ready for sex whenever the fun begins. In a short time, the capsules dissolve, releasing the Bodyglide where it is most needed.

Your intimate encounter need never be interrupted by manual application of lubricant. No mess. No fuss. Perfect timing. For anal lovers - your lube will be in the right place, at the right time.

For vaginal use, one or more capsules are inserted at least 15 minutes before sex.

For rectal lubrication, one or more capsules are inserted at least 30 minutes before sex, using an anal lubricant to begin.

Increases safety and sensitivity of condoms. Safe with condoms, latex, leather and plastic toys (though not for silicone toys).
Package Weight: kg

Featured in: Silicone Lube