Fizzy Flex Stroker

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10,884 Tenga Products Sold


Lose yourself in spiralling sensations.

The Tenga FLEX spins, sucks & embraces with its unique spiral-ribbed casing. It's user-created 'spiral stimulation' allows you to squeeze, twist and grip the item to directly change the stimulation to suit your desire. Cover the air hole at the top of the item during use, and the FLEX will wind and unwind, creating a spiralling movement!

With two varieties to enjoy, each with different internal details and material strength, the Tenga FLEX provides a gentle, spiralling ribs embrace with delightful suction. Enjoy the dynamic pleasure made possible with the latest material and intricate design.

*The TENGA FLEX received the Red Dot in the Re(more...)

Package Weight: kg
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Featured in: Gender Neutral Strokers