Moist Water Based Lube 118ml 109 Sold

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PDX Moist Lube is one of the top choices for women who want a little more moisture in their sexual encounters. Women's Health Magazine named this product the Best Lubricant. PDX stands for Pipedream Extreme and this lubricant produced by the well-known and much-trusted Pipedream company does indeed provide extreme moisture to couples.

The formula is clear and fragrance-free for an unobtrusive touch that's natural and comfortable for all. This water-based personal lubricant product won't stain and the ingredients are perfectly safe for use with a condom. Don't let dryness get in the way of your bedroom play.

PDX Moist Lube comes in a unique spray formula so it's quick and easy to spritz on a liberal application any time you need the subtle touch of added moisture. Keep your lovemaking slippery and sensual with just the right touch of PDX Moist Lube. This will quickly become a must-have in your bedroom arsenal.

Package Weight: kg

Featured in: Water Based Lube