1 Pint Whipped Cream Dispenser

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Start your love affair with whipped cream with this great rubberized dispenser. Our high quality Black Suede Whipped Cream Dispenser is designed to provide great whipped cream at a reasonable cost, making this a great first time unit. This dispenser is perfect for the home or business, and produces great whipped cream.

  • High quality design, yet affordable, good for any budget
  • Rubberized body and plastic head
  • Uses 8gm nitrous oxide chargers
  • Includes a straight decorating tip and a tulip decorating tip
  • Holds one pint
  • Yields 1 pint of fresh whip cream or topping (15 to 20 drinks)
  • Whipped cream will last up to 14 days in the refrigerator
Package Weight: kg